Sunday, May 31, 2015


I drove around for inspiration and it helped open my eyes.

#1  Macro Dandelion
Used a macro filter on my 50mm lens
1/160 - f6.3 - ISO 200
#2  Backyard Flowers
70-300mm lens @ 70mm
1/100 - f4.0 - ISO 160
#3  Weeds in a field
17-50mm lens @ 46mm
1/50 - f3.2 - ISO 160

#4  Iris in the driveway
70-300mm lens @ 300mm
1/320 - f5.6 - ISO 200

#4  Garden tools in a shed on the side of the road
17-50mm lens @ 30mm
1/25 - f 3.2 - ISO 160

#6  Dried seeds or roots hanging in a shed
17-50mm lens at 29mm
1/25 - f 3.2 - ISO 160

#7  Ground cover in the front yard
70-300 lens at 70mm
1/80 - f 4.0 - ISO 200
#8  Dandelion in field
17-50mm lens @ 46mm
1/50 - f3.2 - ISO 160
#9  Tiny flower bud
50mm with a macro filter
1/160 - f 3.5 - ISO 200

#10  Flowers in the low sun at the end of the day
70-300 at 70mm
1/200 - f 4.0 - ISO 200



  1. So many woinderful pictures Joanne, you certainly found some beautiful scenes....I could choose any one of them as a favorite since they all had something special about them, but I was really impressed with number 1.. Just something about the simplicity of it..It's almost like a snow flake or something...rwally great pictures....I love how you put so much thought into the subject....I also loved the lighting in #10 the shadows and the colors are really impressive....

  2. Joanne, these are really good. Your'e getting good bokeh in most of the flowers.
    #1 Great big print on the wall somewhere like the dining room.
    #2 the background color goes good with the leaves
    #4 Favorite---is so good with the petals backlit from the sun. I would have cut this in half, but that's me. It would have made the flowers bigger which is what draws your eye. Although the whole plant works fine.
    I love the other #4 of the shed. It presents an atmosphere of rustic. Love driving around for a project.
    #10 is peaceful I like this one. Great lighting and bokeh. I can't figure out how the flowers are so well lit as they appear to be in the shade.

  3. I laughed out loud when you brought to my attention I have two #4's! Good grief! I used a reflector on #10. I've been shooting an hour before the sun goes down and we have a lot of trees around which lets in a lot of mottled golden sunlight. I have to thank Mark for encouraging me to start using my 70-300. I don't know why it has such lush bokeh but it does. Thanks for the encouragement on getting a print made, I will do that.

  4. You had me with #1 - the macro dandelion!! just breath-taking! I'm also very partial to the dried seeds & roots, #10 - the flowers in the low sun at the end of the day, and #4 - the iris in the driveway. Beautiful work as always Jo!!! You have a wonderful talent and 'eye' for the shot!! Keep it up!

  5. Number 1 definitely awed me, it's a great shot. I also love number 4. It is a lovely setting and makes me want to work in my garden. The lighting is great in number 10. Super job!
