Saturday, February 15, 2014

#22 Relections & Refractions

1 ~  Reflection in my soup pot

2 ~ Refection of votives on mirror
3 ~  Refraction from blue votive behind the picture of water

4 ~  Reflection of light on the four glasses

5 ~ Reflection of the window on the glass doors

6 ~ Reflection of a windmill in store window

7 ~ Reflection of flowers on the glass lid on the soup pot

Set up


  1. WOW!!! Those are all great Joanne, I can see someone worked hard on this assignment and it's impossible to pick a favorite they are all so good....but I did like 31 and 8 just a tad better than the others.......all your shots were terrific though

  2. 1,2,and 4 are my favs, love the oranges what a great idea, and the wine glasses lined up gave a really unique effect, I enjoyed them all, great job!

  3. You are so dang creative that it just makes all your photos terrific!!! My favorite is #4 - very, very nice! My second fave is the 1st one. LOL - dang, wish I'd thought of that!! Simple but elegant! Nice job - AGAIN!

    1. Funny, I almost took #4 out as the aperature was too large which made the pic soft in the 4th glass! Should have used somewhere between f 6-11 I'm thinking.

  4. Beautiful, crisp shots, Joanne- light bouncing around glass and off of metal is so interesting. I love the layered photos, the pictures within pictures made by reflections on windows. Great eye!

  5. Joanne,
    I like the first 4 shots. #1's reflection is so crisp and clear. I thought 4 was a mirror trick. Great setup.
