Sunday, April 6, 2014

#29 Trees

I'm having issues with my blog, I can't upload any photos.  This week I'll be sending you an email that you can view the pics via Shutterfly.  I'm sorry about the inconvenience! Some of the pics look over-sharpened on the site and I'm not sure why - sorry.


  1. I saw your tree pics thorough snapshot or whatever its called and they were great. I cant remember the numbers sorry but I enjoyed them all. really nice outdoors scene.

  2. My favorites are #3 - because of the sunlight splashes and few shadows playing along the roadway. I also liked the blue sky and some clouds as well as the infinity perspective of the road.

    My other favorite is #6 ....mostly because it really spoke to me. I liked the angle of the road and the mass of trees lining the sides. You captured the curve perfectly. Very nice shots....all of them.
