Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#12 Food

This makes me laugh every time I look at it, and this is the best of about 20 shots,
 and I won't even post the others they are so dismal!  
Who knew this would be such a hard assignment!!


  1. Isn't his hysterical, it's so pitiful! hahahaha The chicken looks like it's 2 weeks old, and I should have put larger portions of veggies on the plate to fill it up. I read I could have spritzed the chicken with olive oil to make it glisten - OMG. The broccoli was only blanched and it still looks a bit wilty - perhaps we can try this again, and I'll actually put some effort into this!

  2. Joanne, I forgot to comment on your picture, I not nearly as critical as you, I actually found it good.....I agree the chicken looked a bit dry and I had never heard o that olive oil idea, that's good to know...I absolutely agree it was a difficult assignment, very difficult.....
