Sunday, July 26, 2015


This door was on an abandoned building I found in town

This is the door on the Chelsea Feed Store, interesting sign about wives.

I liked the way the sun was peeking through at dusk on the doors.

Loved the shrubbery growing on the roof.  I drove around the block
 three times before I had enough nerve to get out of the car and take the
photo of this crazy house/door/shrubbery.

This is the oldest bar in Chelsea, it's on a side street and the beer is sooooo cold!

St. Mary's School in downtown Chelsea closed about 15 years ago and
Jeff Daniels bought the building so it wouldn't be torn down.

This old refrigerator door is the ice cream menu at
Zou Zou's Coffee House in Chelsea (I love their coffee).

This is a Fairy Door in Ann Arbor, they're hidden all over town. 
The door is only about 6" tall.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


An interesting topic.
1.  Jurassic Park Rustosaurs
70-300 @ 70mm  1/800  ISO-250

2.  Mailbox Decoration
50mm 1/100 f4.5  ISO-250


3.  The person on the bike was eaten by the Rustosaur
(a long time ago)
70-300 @ 70mm  f4.5  1/500  ISO-250

4.  Farm Equipment
70-300 @ 70mm  f4.5  1/500  ISO-250

5.  This tractor is on a golf course
70-300 @ 70mm  f4.5  1/100  ISO-400

6.  Fire truck fender
70-300 @ 70mm  f4.5  1/500  ISO-250

7.  Country mailbox
70-300 @ 35mm  f4.0  1/160  ISO-125

8.  I think this mailbox took a few hits
50mm  1/320  f4.0 ISO-100
9. Fire alarm on abandoned building
70-300 @ 92mm  f4.0  1/125  ISO-200
10.  Farm plow
70-300 @ 104mm  f4.5  1/650  ISO-250

 11.  This photo was taken about three weeks ago on
Heidelberg Street in Detroit...anyone
need a car hood?